ניהול זמן לסופר – כללי הזהב

Writers Time Management

Time management writer – golden rules

Writing a book is a work for everything. Even if you are dealing with other things for a living, it is necessary to refer to writing, to any type of writing as a profession for all intents and purposes. If you improve your luck and you can engage solely in writing, we congratulate you for this!
Many writers, even those who have already spent more than one book, talk about the real problems with time management. To make it easier for older writers and save aggravation writers who, we used the old writers and experienced and we examined whether there are ways to manage time? Apparently so!
If you still can not allow yourself to spend most of the day writing or you engage in leisure time writing as a hobby and you may want to know what are the three golden rules of effective time management and successful We picked for you the best ideas and the most effective time management writer. Adoption of these rules or any part thereof shall be the right path towards removing your school.

 1. The    journey of a thousand words starting …

Turning ideas and thoughts of the book, is intricate craft. Besides the technical aspects which will be assisted through professionals must work rests with the central and most important. Writing. Start listing every idea that your mind about a book, plot, characterization, situations in which your characters encountered throughout the book, even if the end of the book, you know, but the process still under construction, do not hesitate to register. Draft list of ideas is preliminary and will help you much in writing. Write down everything and when you start to write, read again and again to your list, the list is from the creativity and the Sorcerer's Stone your own, where you can get ideas for promoting the book and the plot.

2.   any time and for any pen

Writing takes time, concentration and excellent conditions. Set yourself a "time window" of at least two hours a day. This time will be devoted to writing. Organize yourself a comfortable workspace, turn off the phone, the Internet and other distractions, the table does not laden items that may stimulate and attract your attention and write. Time window can be in any part of the day, if rather quiet home late in the evening, decided it was time to your writing. If you get quiet and concentration only in the early morning, set the alarm and get up to write. Advisable to do some stretching and breathing exercises to increase circulation and succeed to get into a creative and prolific writing.

3. The   most important thing in art is the frame – Frank Zafh

Most people prefer and are able to work within a binding framework. Although writing your book, you "boss" of yourself, however, in many cases, it is desirable to set yourself a binding framework for writing. Prepare a schedule for writing table. Not, when do you expect to finish the first draft, when completed editing work on your part towards sending a book edited by a professional editor and when you expect the book to be distributed online parking spaces. Try to set goals reasonable considering your additional obligations, the estimated length of the book, digital book marketing process and proper timing your point of view the book was published. The table you have prepared, printed and hung above the work area. This table will serve as a reminder and will help you be committed to writing.

We hope that you will succeed in the long run your writer to successfully and effectively, you are welcome to share your own tips and ideas, ask and consult with other writers our Facebook page.